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Is this really legal?

Yes, the Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) was created by Health Canada allowing patients to legally access safe, reliable and clean medicine from Licensed Producers.

What is a Licensed Producer?

A Licensed Producer, or “LP” is a Health Canada regulated company that can legally grow and sell medical cannabis to patients in Canada.

How do I choose a Licensed Producer?

On the registration form we send you to complete, there will be a list of licensed producers we work with for you to choose from. If you would like help deciding which would be best for you, our educators can help select the best choice for you based on your requirements.

Can I get a copy of my prescription?

Medical patients are now provided with a Registration Certificate from their Licensed Producer once their registration is complete. This is the legal document that advises a patient is approved for cannabis as medicine, recommended by a doctor in Canada. If you are growing your own cannabis as medicine, you will receive a copy of the original medical document to mail with your Health Canada application. If you require a copy of your medical document for insurance coverage, please provide the clinic with your insurer’s name, policy and fax number and we will fax it upon request. At no time does the clinic provide copies to patients.

Can I travel with my medicine?

Yes, as long as you travel within Canada. You have to keep your medicine in the container it came in from the Licensed Producer along with any documentation they send you. If you are traveling by plane, be sure to keep your cannabis in your carry-on luggage.

How long do I have to wait before I can order?

Depending on the Licensed Producer you choose, the verification process can take up to 7 business days.

Is there a fee to see the doctor?

All appointments are covered with a valid health card with the exception of Quebec. If you are from Quebec, please advise the clinic before proceeding.

Do the Licensed Producers have compassionate pricing?

Yes, most Licensed Producers offer compassionate pricing. They will just require your latest notice of assessment to show proof of earnings.

Can I legally grow my own cannabis?

Health Canada released regulations governing Canada’s medical cannabis program on August 24, 2016. The Access to Cannabis for Medical Purposes Regulations (ACMPR) permits patients, or their designated caregiver, to grow at home.

Will I get a card?

Not necessarily, some LPs still provide a card but the registration certificate is now the legal document as of October 2018.

Do the Licensed Producers sell edibles?

Yes, as of October 2019, Health Canada has approved for edibles, concentrates and topicals under The Cannabis Act.

Do the Licensed Producers sell shatter/buder/rosin?

Yes, as of October 2019, Health Canada has approved for edibles, concentrates and topicals under The Cannabis Act.

Can I legally purchase medical cannabis at a dispensary?

Unfortunately, no. Health Canada stipulates that Medical Cannabis be sold to patients by a Registered Licensed Producer only.

What's the recommended way to use cannabis?

Medical cannabis can be taken by vaping, ingestion or smoking.

Where do I need to go for my appointment?

All of our appointments are done through video calling so you can comfortably be at home or work and speak to our team about your medical cannabis needs.

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Interested in Medical Cannabis?

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Appointment Today!

Our trained educators will help YOU choose the right strains and dosing for YOUR symptoms.
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